AWith a visit to the 10,700 sq. ft. Bedford County Welcome Center, people interested in retiring here will learn about the year-round events and activities. Centerfest, a 30+ year downtown event, attracts thousands of people in this region to enjoy the harvest festival, artisan offerings, entertainment and food. The Bedford County Fair drew 14,800 people from the region for 3 days. The Artisan Trail has several multiple trail stops throughout the year that range from art studios, galleries, theatrics and woodworking to blacksmithing, hand-woven apparel, wood carvings and handmade pottery.
For history lovers there are events and destinations year-round to see such as Thomas Jefferson's summer home, Poplar Forest, which reveals the inner-man. The Peaks of Otter at 4,000 ft. elevation was the first tourist destination with hiking, sight-seeing and photography are a must. The county has some of the best hunting and fishing in the state. It boasts to be either #1 or #2 in annual deer harvest and nearly that well in wild turkey harvest statewide with bear populations soaring. Trout streams are numerous with good catches and Smith Mountain Lake being one of the premier Stripped Bass fishing locations in Virginia.
Then there's Agritourism with 4 and 5-generation farms that offer tours, family events, pick-your-own. The Bedford Wine Trail is comprised of 6 wineries from the mountains to Smith Mountain Lake. Apple and peach harvesting events are a major draws every year that include many family activities. Ranking #7 statewide, the equestrian industry has over 6,000 horses with many annual horse events. This includes draft horses and many, many horse riding breeds. The Bedford County Fair is one of the largest annual events with horse and livestock activities, 4-H and FFA judging contests, canned food contests, midway rides, antique car show and artisans showing their wares.