Retirement Living in Morton - Minnesota River Valley - Minnesota

Retirement Living in Morton - Minnesota River Valley - Minnesota

Morton - Minnesota River Valley

Morton is a lively community nestled in the valley with the Minnesota River running past its doorstep. Though small, it’s rich in history, with lots of friendly people, close to shopping, but without the hoopla of big city life. Whether you’re a fisherman, a golfer, like the casino atmosphere or a food enthusiast - we have the best of both worlds. With three festivals a year, there are plenty of chances to get acquainted with your neighbors. An added advantage to living in our warm, little community is lower cost-of-living, an active Senior Center, and plenty of lively conversions to stimulate anyone’s appetite. There’s nothing to keep you away!
History is one of our biggest attractions. "Morton Gneiss" the oldest granite in the world is found right here. The History Learning Center offers tours and educational seminars and has initiated a summer recreation program for children in the area. The Renville County Historical Society and Museum is based in Morton with events planned throughout the year. With lots of lakes for fishing, swimming, water skiing, or watching a beautiful sunset to star gazing (Yes, you can actually see the STARS). Monuments stand stately on the hillside, echoing remembrance of those who fought to sustain our heritage. Originally settled by a multi-ethnic population - the Irish, Germans, Norwegian and Swedish immigrants, to those originating from central Europe; the Sioux Mdewakanton reside to the west of Morton with a casino, historical center and lots of great food and events planned throughout the year.
With four seasons, it’s never dull; from crisp, clear spring mornings to snow-covered hillsides; its natural beauty is breath taking! Come see what your missing!

Region Characteristics

Area Amenities

Things to Do, Recreation & Fitness

Morton is a rural area, with many opportunities for hunting, fishing, boating, four-wheeler trails, with many scenic spots to visit; from the Birch Cooley Battleground to the monuments, with parks and sites scattered throughout the area. Close by is a recreation center, a casino, bowling alley, and several golf courses, riding stables, swimming pools, etc. With lots of good places to dine in the area, your never at a loss for a variety of cuisine.

Cultural Activities

Public transportation

Medical Facilities

The Redwood Hospital is close at hand with North Ambulance and Helicopter services available around the clock with Affiliated Medical Clinic handling appointments. Morton has it's own First Response Team, that is staff by the fire and medical responders.

What Will The Climate And Weather Be Like If I Retire In Morton - Minnesota River Valley In Minnesota?

With four season, the weather is never dull, always changing; from light rains to snow flakes, the air has a fresh smell about it. Pollution is not something we see... Whether the temperature is high or low - from snow boots and snowmobiles to scandal's and kites, we enjoy the present, looking forward to the trees changing color to dew on grass. It's a paradise of "what's next"...

Monthly Temperature Ranges

 Month  Low  Avg  High
 Jan  4  13  23
 Feb  9  19  28
 Mar  21  31  40
 Apr  34  46  58
 May  47  59  70
 Jun  57  68  79
 Jul  61  72  83
 Aug  59  70  81
 Sep  49  61  73
 Oct  36  48  60
 Nov  23  32  41
 Dec  9  18  26

Monthly Average # of Hot and Cold Days

 Month  Days Greater Than 90 F°  Days Less Than 32 F°  Days Less Than 0 F°
 Jan  0  31  12
 Feb  0  27  7
 Mar  0  27  2
 Apr  0  12  0
 May  1  1  0
 Jun  2  0  0
 Jul  4  0  0
 Aug  2  0  0
 Sep  1  1  0
 Oct  0  10  0
 Nov  0  25  1
 Dec  0  31  8

Rain & Humidity

 Month  Rainfall  Rainy Days  Humidity
 Jan  1 "  5  9 %
 Feb  1 "  4  14 %
 Mar  2 "  6  24 %
 Apr  3 "  8  33 %
 May  3 "  10  44 %
 Jun  4 "  10  55 %
 Jul  4 "  8  62 %
 Aug  4 "  8  61 %
 Sep  3 "  8  51 %
 Oct  2 "  7  37 %
 Nov  2 "  5  25 %
 Dec  1 "  5  14 %


 Month  Snowfall  Snow On Ground Days  Snowy Days
 Jan  7 "  22  5
 Feb  6 "  18  4
 Mar  8 "  12  3
 Apr  1 "  1  1
 May  0 "  0  0
 Jun  0 "  0  0
 Jul  0 "  0  0
 Aug  0 "  0  0
 Sep  0 "  0  0
 Oct  0 "  0  0
 Nov  6 "  7  3
 Dec  8 "  19  5

Natural Disaster Areas

Senior Housing Options

Senior Assistance in Morton - Minnesota River Valley, MN

Morton - Minnesota River Valley, Minnesota offers the following assistance for seniors:

Cost of Living for Morton - Minnesota River Valley, MN

Morton - Minnesota River Valley, Minnesota cost of living for Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, Taxes, Utilities, etc.:




Political Party


Additional Information

Visitor Information

