Retirement Living in Wilson, North Carolina - North Carolina

Retirement Living in Wilson, North Carolina - North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina

Wilson, North Carolina has a population base of 80,000 full of southern charm, wonderful attractions, a diverse economy, historic downtown with rich historic efforts and preservation. Home to the America's Largest Tobacco Market, Sequoia Redwood Trees, North Carolina's only Gigabit City, Eastern North Carolina Barbecue, the East Coast's Largest Antique Market and "Whirligigs" - moveable kinetic metal sculptures that move with the wind, 5 museums, 4 public gardens and more. While planning your visit or retirement please contact the Wilson Visitors Center located in Historic Downtown Wilson in a 1916 Bungalow at 209 Broad Street 800-497-7398.

Region Characteristics

Area Amenities

Things to Do, Recreation & Fitness

Wilson is home to five area museums, African American Museum, North Carolina Baseball Museum, Children's Museum, Coastal Plain Museum, Confederate Military Hospital. Outdoor concerts from May through September, First Friday on the Lawn events in historic downtown. Collegiate Baseball Team play April through August. Annual Festivals Wilson Whirligig Festival and Eyes On Main Street Festival, activites with the Wilson County Fairgrounds, four gardens including Wilson Botanical Gardens, Children's Secret Garden, Stem Garden and the All America Wilson Rose Garden, Theatre, Professional performances, home of Barton College, Wilson Community College and more.

Cultural Activities

Five Museums, Theatre performances, Live Music and concert series, symphony, collegiate baseball, disc golf, tennis, swimming, lakes, baseball, world class soccer events, four golf facilities, trails, campgrounds, nature trails and more

Public transportation

Amtrak has stops going North, South and West daily. Public transportation with the City and County are provided as a means of travel within the community.

Medical Facilities

Wilson Medical Center is a general medical and surgical hospital offering 220 beds.Advanced medical services using the latest technology and therapies, emergency room and air transport; quality in and outpatient services and skilled nursing.

What Will The Climate And Weather Be Like If I Retire In Wilson, North Carolina In North Carolina?

For those of you that retire in Wilson, North Carolina, you will enjoy warm summers, a cool fall, a cold winter and a temperate spring!

Winter temperatures are cold with averages in the low 40's and highs in the mid 50's. Nights are cold with lows in the low 30's. Expect some rainy days in the winter.

If the weather in the spring is too cold for the outdoors, enjoy some indoor activities in Wilson, North Carolina such as a movie, a visit to a museum, dining, nightlife or some shopping. Spring temperatures are cool with averages in the low 60's and highs in the low 70's. Nights are cold with lows in the upper 40's. Expect some rainy days in the spring.

Summertime in Wilson, North Carolina is a great time to enjoy your retirement with a day at the lake, an outdoor concert, a local festival or other outdoor activity! Summer temperatures are warm with averages in the upper 70's and highs in the upper 80's. Nights are mild with lows in the upper 60's. Expect a lot of days above 90°. Humidity may feel uncomfortable. Expect some rainy days in the summer.

If you retire in Wilson, North Carolina, you can look forward to fall weather activities such as biking on a bike path, hiking, enjoying a walking path and more! Fall temperatures are cool with averages in the low 60's and highs in the low 70's. Nights are cool with lows in the low 50's. Expect some rainy days in the fall.

Monthly Temperature Ranges

 Month  Low  Avg  High
 Jan  31  41  51
 Feb  34  44  55
 Mar  40  52  63
 Apr  48  60  72
 May  57  68  80
 Jun  66  77  87
 Jul  70  80  90
 Aug  68  78  89
 Sep  62  72  83
 Oct  50  62  73
 Nov  41  53  64
 Dec  34  44  54

Monthly Average # of Hot and Cold Days

 Month  Days Greater Than 90 F°  Days Less Than 32 F°  Days Less Than 0 F°
 Jan  0  17  0
 Feb  0  13  0
 Mar  0  7  0
 Apr  1  1  0
 May  3  0  0
 Jun  10  0  0
 Jul  17  0  0
 Aug  12  0  0
 Sep  4  0  0
 Oct  0  1  0
 Nov  0  5  0
 Dec  0  15  0

Rain & Humidity

 Month  Rainfall  Rainy Days  Humidity
 Jan  4 "  10  30 %
 Feb  3 "  9  32 %
 Mar  4 "  10  38 %
 Apr  3 "  8  46 %
 May  4 "  9  56 %
 Jun  4 "  9  65 %
 Jul  5 "  10  69 %
 Aug  5 "  10  69 %
 Sep  5 "  8  63 %
 Oct  3 "  7  52 %
 Nov  3 "  7  43 %
 Dec  3 "  9  34 %


 Month  Snowfall  Snow On Ground Days  Snowy Days
 Jan  1 "  0  0
 Feb  0 "  0  0
 Mar  0 "  0  0
 Apr  0 "  0  0
 May  0 "  0  0
 Jun  0 "  0  0
 Jul  0 "  0  0
 Aug  0 "  0  0
 Sep  0 "  0  0
 Oct  0 "  0  0
 Nov  0 "  0  0
 Dec  0 "  0  0

Natural Disaster Areas

Senior Housing Options

Senior Assistance in Wilson, North Carolina, NC

Wilson, North Carolina, North Carolina offers the following assistance for seniors:

Cost of Living for Wilson, North Carolina, NC

Wilson, North Carolina, North Carolina cost of living for Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, Taxes, Utilities, etc.:




Political Party


Additional Information

Visitor Information

