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Retirement Living In Dickinson - North Dakota

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Area Description

Dickinson, ND, located along interstate 94, in western North Dakota is home to approximately 24,000 residents with a trade area of over 35,000. As a diversified community, the economy is based on agriculture, energy development, manufacturing and a four year university, Dickinson State University. A new hospital, new health clinics, new schools, expanded library, and large multi-use West River Community Center all point to a stable and growing economy.

The rolling plains become the beginning of the rugged badlands, a spectacular scenery of landscape that offer plenty of experiences to enjoy nature.

The Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University is creating a comprehensive archive of the papers of Theodore Roosevelt, including more than a million Roosevelt documents: letters, cartoons, photos, films, scrapbooks, diaries, & newspaper articles.

Downtown Dickinson is a center of events, boutiques, restaurants and business. Summer entertainment occurs each week with the community enjoying concerts, festivals and food markets.

Region Characteristics

Area Amenities

Things to Do, Recreation & Fitness

   Traveling to western North Dakota brings you to the open plains, the rugged buttes and wide open spaces. Look around at the pastures dotted with cattle, and you might see an occasional rider checking the herd as they stroll down the hills. This is the Western Edge.

Bringing you back to a time of self-reliance, and a time of well-earned ranching skills, your vacation will become an experience that you will not only enjoy, but learn a whole lot about. The land, and the people who persevered to bring us to today’s level of comfort are documented in living history throughout western North Dakota.

Dickinson Museum Center
It isn’t just dinosaurs at the Dickinson Museum Center, there are spectacular beautiful rocks and minerals from across the world. Not just for kids, the Dickinson Museum Center offers a step back into time when the dinosaurs were abundant in western North Dakota. You can also learn about the prairie settlers who came to this land in the 1800’s by touring the Prairie Pioneer Machinery Building and the Prairie Outpost Village. They tell the story of early pioneer settler’s struggles and celebrations with interpretive exhibits and tours.

Ukrainian Cultural Institute
The art and culture is unique at the Ukrainian Cultural Institute in Dickinson where the Psyanka, or Easter Egg, continues to be a delicate handcraft that is passed onto each generation and shared with visitors. The eggs are fascinating with their geometric designs and motifs. Each July the North Dakota Ukrainian Festival is held over several days with dancers in costume. The Ukrainian Stepovi Dity Dancers, ranging from youth to adult, are brightly colored with lively performances that embody the spirit of expression. Ethnic foods are prepared with tradition and offered to all who come to the Festival.

Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library
Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, ranched in the North Dakota badlands, just west of Dickinson. The Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University is creating a comprehensive archive of the papers of Theodore Roosevelt, including more than a million Roosevelt documents: letters, cartoons, photos, films, scrapbooks, diaries, & newspaper articles. In the near future, the physical structure of Theodore Roosevelt’s Presidential Library will be located in Dickinson.

North Dakota Badlands
“Unseen, the ND Badlands cannot be imagined, but once seen can neither be described, nor forgotten.” Lewis F. Crawford 1922 ND Rancher
The rugged buttes, twisted rock, and cedar trees are abundant with wildlife, prairie flowers and historic ranches. Today, you can visit the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, where bison, wild horses, elk and prairie dogs make their home. Enjoy the trails, paved scenic road and learn about the historic cattle ranches that ran vast herds of cattle.

Cultural Activities

The plains and badlands of western North Dakota has plenty of opportunities to for you to get out and experience our natural resources and history.

Here’s a few of our top picks for you to see and do!
• Theodore Roosevelt National Park, once home to President Theodore Roosevelt, is also home to wild horses, elk, buffalo, prairie dogs and other wildlife. You can drive the 36 mile loop, hike the trails, ride a horse, and enjoy the nightly summer Medora Musical, a western themed musical that includes variety acts.
• Travel down the Enchanted Highway just east of Dickinson, Exit 72 and be amazed by the world’s largest metal sculptures created by one man.
• Dinosaurs! Not just fossils, but also beautiful rocks and minerals are at the Dickinson Dinosaur Museum, kids love this place.
• Local history at the Dickinson Museum Center tells the story of our communities in southwest North Dakota, a background in early settlements.
• Ukrainian cultural items and handcrafted Pysanky egg artwork is at the Ukrainian Cultural Institute in Dickinson.
• Assumption Abbey in nearby Richardton, ND is a breathtaking Bavarian Romanesque style church, home of Benedictine monks. Take home a bottle of wine and some handcrafted pottery.

Many people aren’t aware of all of the public lands and great primitive camping sites in the badlands. The Little Missouri National Grasslands, over 1 million public acres, is where the Maah Daah Hey Trail, a 145 mile groomed dirt track, winds across the badlands for hikers, bikers and horseback riders to enjoy. You can enter the trail at campsites, and pick your miles if you wish, or take a hike and find all kinds of rock treasures.

There is a lot more to explore, Dickinson offers great experiences, festivals, events, and food. Enjoy your retirement, there’s living history, nature experiences, and a safe community to live in.

Public transportation

Dickinson's Public Transit service and local cab companies offer plenty of options to easily get around Dickinson for any services.

Medical Facilities

From a newly constructed hospital and new clinics, the expanded services that are available are state of the art with highly qualified physicians and staff.

What Will The Climate And Weather Be Like If I Retire In Dickinson, North Dakota?

Dickinson enjoys the beautiful summers that are a rather dry climate, thus the upper plains desert designation. While warm at times in the summer, lack of humidity and cool evenings make it the perfect area to enjoy the days. Winter can be cool of course, but many times the season has a lack of snow to be considered a real winter. Warm winds come in January, often melting what may be on the ground. Spring is full of colorful prairie flowers and fall is a true harvest of color.

Monthly Temperature Ranges

 Month  Low  Avg  High
 Jan  5  16  26
 Feb  9  20  31
 Mar  19  30  41
 Apr  30  43  56
 May  41  54  67
 Jun  50  63  76
 Jul  56  70  84
 Aug  54  69  83
 Sep  43  57  71
 Oct  31  44  57
 Nov  19  29  40
 Dec  7  18  28

Monthly Average # of Hot and Cold Days

 Month  Days Greater Than 90 F°  Days Less Than 32 F°  Days Less Than 0 F°
 Jan  0  31  11
 Feb  0  27  8
 Mar  0  28  3
 Apr  0  18  0
 May  0  5  0
 Jun  2  0  0
 Jul  7  0  0
 Aug  8  0  0
 Sep  2  3  0
 Oct  0  16  0
 Nov  0  27  2
 Dec  0  31  9

Rain & Humidity

 Month  Rainfall  Rainy Days  Humidity
 Jan  0 "  5  9 %
 Feb  0 "  4  13 %
 Mar  1 "  6  20 %
 Apr  1 "  7  28 %
 May  2 "  10  38 %
 Jun  3 "  12  49 %
 Jul  2 "  9  54 %
 Aug  2 "  7  51 %
 Sep  2 "  7  41 %
 Oct  1 "  6  31 %
 Nov  1 "  5  21 %
 Dec  0 "  5  12 %


 Month  Snowfall  Snow On Ground Days  Snowy Days
 Jan  5 "  20  5
 Feb  5 "  15  4
 Mar  6 "  10  4
 Apr  5 "  3  2
 May  1 "  0  0
 Jun  0 "  0  0
 Jul  0 "  0  0
 Aug  0 "  0  0
 Sep  0 "  0  0
 Oct  2 "  1  1
 Nov  5 "  9  4
 Dec  6 "  18  5

Natural Disaster Areas

Cost of Living for Dickinson, ND

Dickinson, North Dakota cost of living for Housing, Healthcare, Transportation, Taxes, Utilities, etc.:

Cost of Living




Political Party


Senior Housing Options

Dickinson has many different options for a housing choice, from apartments, homes or adult care.

Senior Assistance in Dickinson, ND

Dickinson, North Dakota offers the following assistance for seniors:

Enjoy the Senior life with many services available in Dickinson. Programs for transportation, meals, entertainment, assisted help are all incorporated in a variety of options.

What Job or Volunteer Opportunities Does Dickinson Offer For Retirees?

There are LOTS of opportunities to be a part of Dickinson! Fun volunteer options, or even part-time or full employment is everywhere. You can stay as busy as you want here in Dickinson, ND.

Additional Information

Visitor Information

Relocation Information

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